rabble is working hard to get out election stories and issues that you don’t find easily elsewhere. The good news is that rabble.ca visitors can find all of our election coverage in one place: http://www.rabble.ca/issues/elections. Our coverage includes work by seasoned journalists and citizen media reporters, from civil society groups and activist organizations. We host feeds from other must-read sources on the election as well.
Election contributors you can find on rabble include writer Dionne Brand (Toronto’s third poet laureate), former rabble editor Sharon Fraser in Halifax, Pierre Beaudet, founder of Quebec’s Alternatives, Syed Hussan of No One Is Illegal, CAW’s Jim Stanford, Rick Harp publisher of Manitoba’s mediaINDIGENA, David Climenhaga, blogger, Alberta Diary, Hannah MacKinnon of the Climate Action Network, Izida Zorde, editor, FUSE magazine and many more.
Our publisher Kim Elliott says, “Our coverage, coming from community members, journalists and activists is much more than just the horse race. We are covering local issues that national media often miss; we are covering the stories that non-profits are trying to get out, we are hearing from labour.”
“We will be looking at a number of issues from a broad range of progressive perspectives and linking to feeds and other sources that we think aren’t getting the attention they deserve,” said Cathryn Atkinson, features editor.
The public can suggest specific links or news feeds for the election page at: [email protected]
Get rabble’s election coverage here: http://www.rabble.ca/issues/elections.