The first 48 hours of “news” content of Canada’s “new” addition to our mediascape — the Sun TV News channel — proves that nothing new has transpired. The following 3 tweets regarding Sun TV “News” seems to sum up this ORGANization’s purpose, as evidenced by the proof in its pudding/content/pablum for the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), and is all this propaganda outlet deserves.
Tweet #1 (from: @MediatedJustice to #xlxn42 and #cdnpoli):
Sun TV News is the real State Broadcaster. After 2 days of all pro-Harper/anti-Iggy content this “new” voice is the Pravda Of The CPC
Tweet #2 (from: @MediatedJustice to #xlxn42 and #cdnpoli):
SunTV parroting (even inventing) talking points of CPC, our current ruling party, [which has the] same initials as Communist Party of Canada
Tweet #3 (from: @MediatedJustice to #xlxn42 and #cdnpoli):
Sun TV “News” says “no sacred cows”….why is Stephen Harper moo0ING!?
….happy voting…..[Follow me on Twitter @MediatedJustice]