Dear readers,
We’re at that point in our summer fundraiser where we need to go big or go home. Here at rabble we’ve never been ones to go home. We were extra ambitious this year with our $65,000 fundraising goal, but with 15K more to go, we know we can do it!
Fortunately for us, for 18 years we’ve forged an alternative approach and take to the news, and for 18 years we’ve had a different approach to funding our operations. More than ever we believe a community-supported media approach is the best way to remain independent so we can provide “news for the rest of us.” A collectively supported media is an independent media, a collectively supported media is a sustainable media.
But it isn’t just about sustainability. can grow and develop to be an even stronger journalist voice for social movements, an even better platform for national politics. How? You.
We are proud of the diversity of supporters who keep rabble going. From coast to coast (and even beyond), we receive donations small and large from rabble visitors, our sustaining partners and every now and then, we get a grant. Can we count on you too?
Our approach shows what can be done when people come together to support social justice journalism and media democracy.
For us, media democracy is not just about who owns the media but who has access to it. Many other publications feel compelled to put up paywalls and require subscriptions but we know that would limit access to our news and views to lots of folks who rely on us all over the country; it would accelerate the digital divide. We aren’t doing that.
This commitment to open and free access to our site comes with a price. The good news is that the price is affordable if we all chip in a little bit to keep rabble going now and into the future.
With the federal election, merely weeks away, this is a perfect time to stand up and stand for indie media, to support news for the rest of us, to support
Please join us in contributing to rabble.
In solidarity,
Matthew Adams, president
Nicole Johnson, treasurer
P.S. As a special thank you, sign up to become a monthly donor at $5/month or more and choose to receive a free copy of our best of books!
Sign up as a monthly donor of $8 or more, and choose to receive a copy of Colleen Cardinal’s Ohpikiihaakan-ohpihmeh (Raised somewhere else): A 60s Scoop Adoptee’s Story of Coming Home (Fernwood Publishing) OR Jackie Traverse’s IKWE: Honouring Women, Life Givers, and Water Protectors (Fernwood Publishing)