
Like Karl Nerenberg’s work? Want to expand rabble’s Parliamentary Bureau? Support us on Patreon today! 

Keep Karl on Parl 

“We need fearless pundits like Karl who don’t soft-peddle. In this not-so-brave new corporate media world, we need activist political reporting and alternative voices on the Hill.”
— Antonia Zerbisias, journalist and writer

Welcome to a Harper-free Canada!

A new Parliament and government bring new opportunities and challenges. The highest voter turnout in 20 years clearly shows that Canadians are re-engaged with politics. Now we have to make sure that motivation is sustained. rabble.ca has a critical role to play and our award-winning Parliamentary Bureau is right at the centre.

With your support we will build on our extensive election coverage — our most successful ever. As the country’s largest independent media outlet, rabble’s election coverage involved an unprecedented amount of work. Since August 4 we published over 1,500 news stories, columns, live video and more. Our total reach was our highest ever — in the millions. We made sure that we pulled out all the stops and could confidently look back on the election and say without hesitation that we did everything possible to defeat Harper. We provided readers with the news, the tools, and the facts that would result in Stephen Harper’s demise — and it worked.

The Harper decade is over and the next chapter starts with a Liberal majority. Now that the election is over, the hardest part begins. The Liberals under Justin Trudeau bring unique challenges. But rabble is ready to meet them head-on. We are building on the success of our election fundraiser and the most ambitious federal election coverage to date and are launching our new Parliamentary Bureau fundraiser on Patreon here.  

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that allows you to help us reach specific milestones in our Parliamentary coverage like keeping Karl Nerenberg on the Hill, expanding our editorial coverage, and creating a Parliamentary Internship Program. Go here for all the details.

The newly elected Liberal government campaigned with an ambitious agenda and a vast list of promises — from removing our outdated first-past-the-post electoral system to legalizing marijuana, ending omnibus bills, establishing nation-to-nation relations with Indigenous Peoples, ensuring clean water on reserves, and much, much more. We need a strong, corporate-free, extra-parliamentary watchdog to stay on top of the all of the developments and hold this new government to account. We have the experience and the track record to take on this task.

Starting with an initial fundraising goal of $2,500/month we need to raise the funds to keep our veteran award-winning journalist Karl Nerenberg reporting on Parliament Hill. Karl is a high output journalist filing stories constantly. He attends the key meetings and debates corporate media ignores. When Parliament’s in session so is he. Find all his reporting here. Donate $5 or more and receive a free copy of his book Harper v. Canada: Five ways of looking at the Conservative Regime.

Think about this — we only need one hundred people donating $25/month (or the equivalent cost of a Globe and Mail subscription) to keep Karl on Parl. Any monthly contribution — as little as $1/month —  will help us reach this goal and assure an independent analysis from the Hill.

Will you support us? There are rewards to be had including rabble swag, books, and more. Go to our Patreon page now to keep Karl on Parl and expand our Parliamentary Bureau.


Kim Elliott

Kim Elliott operated as publisher for rabble.ca between 2006-2023.