We wrapped up our rabble on-site Keep Karl on Parl campaign, supporting our award-winning national politics reporter Karl Nerenberg. Everyone that donated $25 or more was entered into our prize draw. Thank you to everyone who donated!
Our grand prize was the critically acclaimed Nexus 7 tablet and F.L. from Gibsons B.C is our winner! We also were giving away tote bags and “best of rabble” bundles. Our winners:
rabble tote bags:
L.C., St. John’s, Newfounland
D. M., Ottawa, Ontario
B.B., Toronto, Ontario
D.H., Bowmanville, Ontario
J.H., Ottawa, Ontario
D.D., Ottawa, Ontario
S.S., Ottawa, Ontario
J.R,, Toronto, Ontario
P.M,, Ottawa, Ontario
J.S., North Vancouver, BC
best of rabble book bundles
J.B., Calgary, AB
D.S., Comox, BC
M.L., Kingston, Ontario
R.F., Saskatoon, SK
A.C, Vancouver, BC
We are now holding an Indiegogo campaign to support karl where there are perks for donating. Perks include a “follow-Friday” from rabble on Twitter, a “best of Karl” book, the Karl on Parl Fridge Magnet, Parliamentary Correspondent for a day, even My Dinner with Karl. Check it out!