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On Saturday, Nov. 6,  join’s Vancouver team at Media Democracy Day 2010!

Since 2001 Media Democracy Day has provided a place for citizens, activists, media, innovators, policy makers, students, academics to come together and engage in a dynamic dialogue on the importance of creating a participatory, democratic media system that works in the interest of people, not just corporate bottom lines.

This year will be a part of the Media Democracy Day fair at Vancouver Central Library from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Drop by our table and say hello — we’ll have pins, postcards and best of books to the first 100 people to sign up for our e-newsletter! 

And, news and features editor Cathryn Atkinson will be participating on a panel on “Global Protest and Media” in the Alma VanDusen Room from 1:00 to 2:20 p.m.

Here’s a description of the panel:

Ever since the Seattle WTO demonstrations in 1999, global protests have become a part of the mainstream media’s image bank. Whether covering the recent G20 protests in Toronto, or opposition to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games, the mainstream media have, for most of the past decade, painted citizen activism and engagement with the same brush. What are the shortcomings of mainstream media representations of protest and negotiation at global marquee events such as the G20 and the Olympics? How are alternative and independent media re-writing this story to make it more diverse?


– David Eby, Founder of PIVOT Legal Society and Executive Director of the BCCLA
– Isaac K. Oommen, Editor member of the Vancouver Media Co-op
– Cathryn Atkinson, News and Features editor at, award-winning journalist
– Irwin Oostindie, Executive Director of W2 Communicty Media Arts

Check out the rest of the MDD 2010 program guide here and don’t forget to pre-register for the event!

And, make sure to join us for Fresh Media’s Remixology 3 event that evening!

Hope to see you there!