
Show rabble some love! Support independent media with a donation today!

This Valentine’s Day we hope you’re either enjoying a day off, spending time with the people you care about, or you’re quite rightly subverting this holiday that’s inextricably linked to heteronormativity, consumerism, and several customary hollow gestures (like exchanging pesticide-laden roses and conflict diamonds). Many of us will do all three.

In any case, all we’re really hoping for this Valentine’s Day is for you to be radical and show independent media a little love.

rabble wouldn’t exist if not for the dedicated followers that support it regularly with their hard-earned cash. That’s what we call love. And your love is what will keep rabble going.

So, do something radical right now. Show independent media how much you care with a donation.

Let’s get reciprocal. If you donate to rabble right now you’ll receive either a copy of the new documentary film This Changes Everything by Avi Lewis, Indigenous Nationhood by Pam Palmater, or the best of 2015 edition.