
Among the diverse offerings of, Karl Nerenberg’s Hill Dispatches are an especially valuable resource. We need his informed and robust probing in the halls of Parliament, driven by a principled skepticism that cuts through rhetoric and demands evidence. Indeed the health of our democracy and quality of our governance depend upon this kind of work. ~Christopher Neal, Former journalist and international development professional in Canada, now a communications manager at the World Bank.

If you’re a news junkie (you’re reading this after all) you know that Parliament is back in session. (Check out KarlNerenberg’s recent piece The environment, equality and the permanent election campaign.) You know that a lot goes on there that is not reported or is under-reported. Please support Karl Nerenberg’s work covering parliament today! We need Karl’s keen eye and analysis.

We are still short of our goal to support Karl’s work. Can you support him with a donation of $10, $15, $40, $100 or another amount. Thank you!