
Winners! Congratulations to our winners so far for our donation drive weekly prize draws: J.L from Toronto, Ont.; B.L from Richmond, B.C.; J.A from, Toronto, Ont., and T.V.H from Innerkip, Ont. Get a chance to join them by donating now!

Our annual winter donation drive provides us crucial funds to cover part of our core budget. Our goal is $20,000 and we have raised about $7,800 to date, a good start but still room to grow! If everyone who visited rabble in just one day gave just $3 we would exceed our whole campaign goal. You can donate at

Your support of our independent non-profit media site helps us cover environmental stories, health-care stories, labour stories, social movement stories and more. Each week during our donation drive, donors (who donate $20 or more) will have a chance to win a rabble prize pack featuring our “good news pass it on” tote bag, rabble fridge magnet, best of rabble book and maybe a few other surprises.

If you can chip in, please do so today. Thank you to all of our supporters!