FWD: On Nov. 18, Call your MP and the Party Leaders and demand…. Don’t Extend It. End It.
The Conservative government, with the support of the Liberals are about to extend Canada’s war in Afghanistan. The Prime Minster says there is no need to debate the issue. Evidently he believes that keeping 1000 Canadian troops in Afghanistan, at a cost of $3 billion and against the will of 80 per cent of Canadians is an issue that needs no further discussion.
Stephen Harper is expected to announce the details of the extension of the Canadian deployment this week. He needs to hear from you!
Let the Prime Minister and the Party Leaders know that Canadians are against any extension of the war in Afghanistan and want the troops brought home now.
What can you do?
1- Join the virtual march on Ottawa this Thursday Nov. 18. Phone, E-mail, fax and write your your MP and the Party leaders and call on them to end the war.
Step 1
Just cut and paste the following e-mails into the address line: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Step 2
Find the e-mail for your MP at: http://bit.ly/1bjGA
Step 3
Send your e-mail. Please let us know about your efforts by cc’ing [email protected]
Step 4
Call the party leaders and cabinet ministers.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper:
Telephone: (613) 992-4211
Foreign Minister, Lawrence Cannon:
Telephone: (819) 441-2510
Gilles Duceppe:
Telephone: (613) 992-6779
Michael Ignatieff:
Telephone: (613) 995-9364
Jack Layton:
Telephone: (613) 995-7224
2- Organize emergency actions in your town. There are a number of groups planning emergency rallies and pickets.
In Toronto there will be mass leafleting on Nov. 20 at 1 p.m. at Dundas Square:
In Ottawa there will be a picket at Stephen Harper’s office at 1 p.m. on the 20th: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=166234630073844.
In many other cities, people are hitting the streets with Don’t Extend It. postcards and petitions.
3- Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper. Please keep in mind that letters to the editor should be less than 200 words and must be accompanied by your contact information.
Points to consider in your letters and calls:
» Civilian and military casualties are at record levels in Afghanistan. Even with 150,000 troops, the resistance has a heavy presence in most of the country. There is no indication that this will get better with the new extension. In fact, all indicators point to a deteriorating situation that is not being helped with more troops.
» Women’s rights are still being eroded by the NATO backed government and the majority of reconstruction funds disappear into the pockets of Afghan officials and western development agencies.
» The government that Canada supports in Afghanistan is a corrupt warlord led government that hangs onto power through fraudulent “elections.”
» The extension of the war is expected to cost Canadians at least $3 billion according to Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page.
» The notion that Canada can stay in a non-combat role is not true. If our soldiers are training Afghan troops they will still be in harm’s way.