Fwd: Women: Destroy the patriarchal prison system

Free Mandy Hiscocks, Leah Henderson, Kelly Pflug-Back and All [Toronto] G20 political prisoners/Arrestees!


Saturday March 10, 2012

1. Rally and march 3:00 p.m.

*Calling out for all anti-colonial/anti-authoritarian/anti-capitalists

–Meet at 2 Bloor Street West — Toronto Chilean Consulate.

2. Event at 7:30 p.m.  Graduate Students’ Union (GSU) Sylvester’s Café

–16 Bancroft Avenue – (One Block North of College, Just East of Spadina)

With testimonials of the current situation of Mandy Hiscocks and Leah Henderson held in prison (as part of the Toronto G20 Conspiracy 21), and Kelly Pflug-Back facing related G20 charges.

Poetry, video, live music and much more!



The history of women has been plagued with humiliations and scorn on the part of various systems of slavery and submission that have existed. Domination, colonialism and violence have always been unleashed on the bodies of women — and with it the earth — as part of the structural patriarchy that has continued the rape, plunder and genocide of the land and its indigenous peoples.

The prison system is the vivid expression of this structural violence — forcing all those who refuse to submit to the colonial norms to submit their bodies and their lives to the will of power and capital. However, much resistance has risen from the depth of this brutality.

This International Women’s Day, we have nothing to celebrate and everything to fight back.

We denounce the structural violence of the judicial/prison system on our communities in resistance against colonialism, capitalism and patriarchy on this stolen land!

We denounce the use of female cops using issues of violence to infiltrate and imprison our sisters and brothers!

They may imprison our bodies, but they can never imprison our desire to struggle; to be free.

Organized by The Women’s Coordinating Committee for A Free Wallmapu [Toronto]



Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for rabble.ca, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...