What: G20 Legal Defence Fundraiser with Naomi Klein and Hawksley Workman (with an optional special pre-event with Naomi Klein)
When: Thursday, November 11. Doors. 8 p.m.
Where: The Great Hall 1087 Queen St West, Toronto ON
Website: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/event.php?eid=108578439206467
During the G20 summit in June this year, the residents of Toronto bore witness to the largest mass arrest in Canadian history as approximately 1200 people were assaulted, harassed, beaten and arrested by the police. More than 250 were charged and six remain in jail. Others are out on bail under extraordinarily restrictive conditions, continuing to face police harassment and re-arrest. Legal costs are mounting.
Despite this repression, more than 40,000 people marched on the streets of Toronto to resist the destructive, exploitative and exclusionary agenda of the G20. As we continue to organize against the G20 agenda, we must now also raise money to defend all those who are forced to go through expensive legal proceedings.
So mark the date — November 11th — and join us for an evening of song and speech with Naomi, Hawksley and friends! All proceeds raised will be donated to the G20 legal defence fund.
Tickets: $50 in advance, $60 at the door
You can purchase tickets online for the pre-event & main event or the main event only at Gallery AC.
ANOTHER STORY: 315 Roncesvalles Avenue/ 416-462-1104
ROTATE THIS: 801 Queen St. West/ 416-504-8447
SOUNDSCAPES: 572 College St./ 416-537-1620
TORONTO WOMENS BOOKSTORE: 73 Harbord St/ 416-922-8744
PRE-EVENT WITH NAOMI KLEIN: A special reception with Naomi Klein prior to the beginning of the main show. Capacity limited to 60 people. On first come first serve basis. Tickets for pre-event + show are $100, and are available online only
If you would like to volunteer, please email Allison at: [email protected].