Currently, the Canadian Boat to Gaza, the Tahrir, is still trying to gain permission from Greek authorities to sail. We continue to demand that the Greek authorities allow us to leave. We have broken no laws and our boat is seaworthy.
This is not the end but rather another chapter in our ongoing effort to end the brutal blockade of Gaza and will be followed by others. Many of our delegates, and those representing other countries involved in Freedom Flotilla II, have had to return to their busy lives in Canada and elsewhere, but they do so with a strengthened resolve to work tirelessly towards an end to Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza and for a free Palestine.
While we know there is still much work to be done, the support and encouragement we are receiving indicates we are succeeding towards our goal to end the blockade of Gaza and we are determined to move ahead. For weeks, we, a group of volunteers from all walks of life, have had and continue to have the attention of Israel, the world’s fourth largest military, as they conspire with other countries to do everything in their power to stop us. Despite these blatant attempts to block our legal actions, we have fully exposed the complicity of governments around the world with the illegal and human rights abusive actions of Israel. We intend to hold Greece accountable for clear violations of international law.
In terms of our organizing in Canada, we have successfully engaged people and communities from coast to coast to coast. As our government actively ignores the will of the people, the people’s voice grows stronger, more cohesive and more clear. We will not stop organizing until every single person in Gaza is able to exercise their full human right to self-determination along with all people of Palestine.
We have also been reaching diverse Canadian citizens through media and social networking. Many people who had not been aware of the situation in Gaza and Palestine are taking notice and have joined our struggle. This is evidenced by the hundreds of groups and individuals who have endorsed our project, and the many more who have given generously to financially support it. The popular movement is growing and will not be stopped.
In this struggle, we continue to take inspiration from the steadfast Palestinian people and from the efforts of solidarity movements around the world, as well as from the uprisings which continue throughout the Middle East and North Africa, including the mass protest in Egypt’s Tahrir Square taking place today. We are building, growing and evolving our strategies to help bring about change and to contribute to bringing Tahrir (liberation) to the long suffering people of Palestine.
Stay tuned for further developments.
Together, we will reach Gaza. Together, we will end the blockade. Stay human.