

1. We are winning

2. Support those who are still in custody

3. G20 Zine: Call for submissions


4. 247 Committee–Wednesday, August 4

5. G20 Acupuncture Fundraiser –Thursday, August 5th

6. Audism and the Toronto Police Service–Saturday, August 7

7. Your Options for Taking Legal Action–Sunday, August 8, 1:30pm


1:We are winning

July 26, 2010, One month after the G20 Convergence http://torontomobilize.org/node/432

Since September 2009, we’ve worked to challenge, disrupt and abolish the G8/G20. We used the fleeting moment of the G8/G20 summit to further organize Toronto’s community struggles against the impact of colonial,  capitalist policies that seek to weaken us everyday.

And we succeeded.

From June 21 to 27, 2010, nearly 40,000 people took to the streets, gathered in discussion, watched movies, set up a tent city, danced and  fought. This in itself is a victory.

For the first time, an economic summit saw a march of thousands against colonization and for Indigenous sovereignty (on June 24). This in itself is a victory.

Instead of simplifying our diverse struggles in to one issue, we supported actions for Queer and Trans Rights (22 June), for Environmental Justice (23 June), for Income Equity and Community Control Over Resources (21/24/25 June) , for Gender Justice and Disability Rights (22/25 June), for Migrant Justice and an End to War and Occupation (25 June). We created the conditions for over 100 grassroots organizations to come together, to build relations, to grow stronger together. This in itself is a victory.

For the first time at a G8/G20 Summit (on June 25), we saw communities in ongoing resistance, people of color, poor people, Indigenous people, women, disabled folk, queer folk and others leading the Days of Action (25-27 June). This in itself is a victory.

Knowing that our freedom will rise from an attack at all fronts, respectful of the traditions and needs of safety and efficacy of all our friends; we ensured that actions with conflicting tactics took place separately. This in itself is a victory.

For months, we were followed, intimidated, arrested, our meetings infiltrated by state thugs. Many of us were snatched in pre-dawn and early morning raids on the day of the G20 meeting, yet we were not swayed. We came together, gathered strength and continued to support the demonstrations. This in itself is a victory.

So while 1,090 people have been arrested, thousands beaten, illegally detained, searched, harassed and abused. While over 300 people face criminal prosecutions for their ideological and political actions, and while multiple instances of so-called conspiracy trials and politically motivated targeting continues, we insist, this June 2010, on the streets of Toronto, the people won.

One phase of our work is complete. A new one must begin. Many of us are organizers in community groups and will be returning to them, we urge you to join us.

Many of us are activists inspired by our collective power these last few months, we intend to form new spaces and organizations for justice, we urge you to do the same.

Many of us will continue to fight for freedom for our friends facing repression, we urge you to support us.

The organized resistance in Toronto has emerged stronger, unified, connected. We take this moment to send our solidarity to the organizations and groups across the world to continue their struggles. Take action in your communities. Build lasting movements for justice free of state violence.


2. Support those incarcerated as a result of the G20

Over 1000 people were arrested before, during and after the G20 in an attempt to criminalize dissent. Many of these were on obviously trumped up charges. A number of people remain in prison in ‘preventative detention’ or have been arrested since the G20 summit.

Many of you already know Kelly Rose Pflug-Back, a friend, ally, poet and Guelph activist who was arrested and released on bail during the G20. After returning home to Peterborough, she turned herself in less than an hour after police gave a press conference stating that Kelly was wanted for six counts of mischief over $5000 in connection with damages related to the G20.

“Rather then allowing the trial to take place in the court, Toronto Police instead chose to have a trial-by-media sensationalizing her case through words such as “ringleader” and “most wanted”. Previous arrested people have had publication bans on their bail hearings specifically to stop the media from ruining their chances at a fair trial. With her face splashed on the cover of every news station, she not only lost her chance at a fair trial in court, but is already convicted in the minds of the majority of those who follow the media as a criminal, radical and terrorist.”

She has been in custody at Vanier since July 22nd.

Folks are being asked to write to her, and send pictures of the outside:

Kelly Rose Pflug-Back

Vanier Centre for Women

P.O. Box 1040

655 Martin Street

Milton, ON L9T 5E6

Most recently, a callout has been issued asking folks to take action, since she is being denied medical attention at Vanier. Callout is below. Please pass far and wide!!


Political Prisoner Kelly Pflug Back, who suffers from Diabetes as well as other serious health problems, has been denied a doctor’s visit without any valid reason. As we speak , Kellys health is deteriorating and she is getting no medical attention. We feel that EVERY person has a right to healthcare and feel that no one has the right to deny another person health care for punitive reasons.

SOS is calling on all people to call the superintendent at Vanier and demand that Kelly Pflug Back be allowed to see a doctor. HEALTH CARE IS A RIGHT FOR ALL AND NOT A TOOL FOR PUNISHMENT!!!!

Call Superintendent Donna Keating at (905) 876-8300 ext. 7316 and demand that Kelly be allowed to see a doctor.


3. G20 Zine: Call for submissions

The week of June 21st-27th was intense to say the least. We all have a lot of beautiful and terrible stories left knocking around our heads, so why not get them out? The plan is to create two zines; one for the beautifu stories and one for the less so, with all proceeds going to legal defense for G20 political prisoners.

You can use whatever form of writing you want for both or only one and pictures are welcome as well. Real names are welcome, but not necessary and the dead line for acceptance is August 25. Stories can be as short asyou’d like, but longer entries should aim to be about a page or two (if that’s possible). Please send all inquires or entries to [email protected]


4. 247 Committee

If you are one of the hundreds facing criminal charges stemming from the G20 in Toronto, the 247 Support Committee is here for you.

We are available to assist with:

–logistics around the upcoming August 23rd court date;

–resource referrals and information about trauma and other psycho-social needs;

–legal defence fundraising support and access;

–a way for members of the 247 Support Committee to connect with each other, mobilize and organize;

–other ways to support suggested by you!

The 247 Support Committee was created by a group of allies, but we hope that it will be led by and take direction from the defendants. Everyone who is facing criminal charges stemming from the G20 in Toronto is invited and encouraged to join this Committee. All defendants, regardless of their level of involvement in this Committee are entitled to draw from the support resources offered. Allies are also welcome to join, acknowledging that their role is one of support.

If you are interested in learning more about or in joining the 247 Support Committee, please attend the upcoming organizing meeting: Wednesday, August 4th at 7:00pm OISE (252 Bloor Street West) Room 2-213 or contact us at [email protected]

The name “247 Support Committee” carries two meanings. Initially, we heard that 247 people were facing criminal charges following the G20. As time passes, this number keeps changing but the name “247 Support Committee” has stuck to try to support you “24/7”.

In solidarity,

The 247 Support Committee


5. G20 Acupuncture Fundraiser

Thursday August 5th. 6-9pm

Institute of Traditional Medicine. 553 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor

This is a Pay What You Can Event (PWYC), suggested donation is $20. Money raised will be donated to the G8/G20 Community Mobilization Legal Defence Fund

There are only 12 spots available, so please RSVP asap to [email protected]

It’s been just over a month since the G8/G20 summit in Toronto where over 1000 people have been arrested and many illegally detained, harassed and abused on all levels.

There is a call out to communities across the city to help raise money for those who are facing prosecution for exercising their freedom of speech, who have had personal items ‘lost’ during detainment, and those who have taken their own initiative to defend themselves in court.

The stories and experiences are not gone. We are still seeing people in clinics who are shaken up from that weekend, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Please join us for a Community Acupuncture Fundraising session to share your stories, receive a relieving treatment, and connect with community.

“Every experience we have in our life rests in our minds, heart, and physical self.” Let’s work together to help relieve the trauma that weekend left behind.

This is a safe space for People of Colour and LGBT Communities

FB Event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136702936369776


6. Audism and the Toronto Police http://www.g20.torontomobilize.org/node/424

Date: Saturday August 7, 2010

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: 252 Bloor Street West, OISE- U of T, Room 2212

We have all heard the stories of the Toronto Police Services denying interpreters, accusing Deaf people of “faking”, interpreting attempts to communicate as violence, misunderstanding facial expressions that are a part of our grammar as anger, and countless other acts of audism, discrimination, and violence.

It is time to do something about it! Join us in sharing out stories and coming together as a united community of Deaf, oral deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, and hearing allies! We will share our experiences in a public forum to promote healing and change. This will be the beginning of a long process of achieving change within the Toronto Police Services policy, training, and sensivity to ourdiverse communities. ASL interpretation provided

Prayer Space Nearby. Child-friendly event. Wheelchair accessible venue

If you require accommodations, please contact Jenny Blaser at [email protected] as soon as possible.

Endorsed by the Legal Education Action Fund Youth Commission and Signs of Support


7. Public Info Session: Your OPTIONS for Taking Post-g8/g20 LEGAL ACTION

Sunday, August 8, 2010 1:30pm – 5:30 pm

United Steelworkers Hall (wheel chair accessible), 25 Cecil Street (near the intersection of College and Spadina).

Co-hosted by the Summit Legal Support Project of the Movement Defence Committee (MDC) and the Law Union of Ontario.

Join us on August 8th to learn about:

–how to file a human rights claim

–the police complaints process

–how you can sue the police

–the class action lawsuit(s) (that are currently in discussion)

Registration: Please register as soon as possible at http://tinyurl.com/g20legal

Contact: For more info on the Summit Legal Support Project or this event, email us at [email protected]  check out movementdefence.org

For more information on the broader Law Union of Ontario, please visit http://www.lawunion.ca/


Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for rabble.ca, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...