Thursday August 19, 10am 361 University Ave at Armoury Street (South of Dundas West, St Patrick Station)
This Thursday, August 19, Ontario Crown attorneys will continue the ongoing efforts to criminalize social movements and community organizers Alex Hundert, Leah Henderson, and Erik Lankin for their alleged roles in the demonstrations against the G20 in Toronto. Come show your support at the Ontario Superior Court at 361 University Avenue.
Please note that this is not a rally or a call to action, however people should feel welcome to be present in court to show their support.
During the G20 protests, over 40,000 marched for environmental justice, women’s rights, economic justice, antiwar, Indigenous rights, queer and trans liberation, and migrant justice. The weekend also resulted in an unprecedented number of 1000+ mass arrests. New arrests are still occurring. Over 250 people continue to face criminal charges.
Leah, Alex, and Erik will be appearing in court on Thurs Aug 19 at bail appeal hearings. They are potentially facing serious jail time and are co-accused in the so-called “conspiracy” case.
Erik Lankin has been behind bars for over seven weeks as a result of having had his release fought against by the Crown and denied by the court. Erik is appealing this ongoing order for his detention.
The Crown is also seeking to appeal the release of Alex Hundert and Leah Henderson, wanting them returned to prison, claiming that they are somehow a threat to public safety. The Crown is trying to physically remove them from the communities they organize in and to punitively imprison them.
All three of these individuals are being targeted for being public advocates of anarchist principles and ideas; for their roles as long-time community organizers who work alongside Indigenous land defenders, migrant justice advocates, anti-poverty activists; and for their public activism against the G20’s austerity agenda, police states, and racist colonial practices.
Criminalization is a reality experienced by targeted communities as well as social movements. On August 19 come support three community organizers who are currently being targeted for their roles in movements for social and environmental justice.
For more information, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].
For ongoing G20 defence and fundraising visit: http://g20.torontomobilize.org/
Your support is also needed for hundreds of defendants appearing in court on August 23rd: http://g20.torontomobilize.org/node/456