Winnipeg panel discussion Thursday on G20 civil liberties and global justice

Thursday August 19, 2010

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library, 2nd Floor

251 Donald St.

See map: Google Maps

Contact: Rob McGregor [email protected]

Join us for a panel discussion on issues pertaining to the recent G20 Summit in Toronto.

The panelists will be:

-David Camfield: Member of the editorial board of New Socialist webzine

-Joan Grace: Professor of Politics at U of W specializing in civil society and policy advocacy, state architecture and political engagement.

-Chris Powell: Professor of Sociology at U of M

-Dan Lett: Political Opinion columnist for the Winnipeg Free Press

-Robert Chernomas: Professor of Economics at U of M and board member of the Council of Canadians

After the panelists speak there will be an audience participation Q&A session.


Krystalline Kraus

krystalline kraus is an intrepid explorer and reporter from Toronto, Canada. A veteran activist and journalist for, she needs no aviator goggles, gas mask or red cape but proceeds fearlessly...