2011 has been a real year of uprisings for social change — from the Arab Spring to the recent Occupy Wall Street movement and the mass civil disobedience against the tar sands Keystone XL pipeline. Here in Canada, we are facing a majority Conservative government. How can we make change and build powerful movements for social justice?
One thing’s for sure, young people will need to help lead the way. And that’s exactly what happened back in June when a 21-year-old Senate page disrupted Harper’s swearing in with a creative act of civil disobedience.
Brigette DePape speaks in Vancouver at Thinking Outside the Ballot Box, about what motivated the action that made her known as the “rogue page,” and discusses how we can build a powerful, inclusive, multi-generational movement for social change in this country
This event was organized by StopWar.ca. rabble.ca was proud to be a media sponsor of this event.