CETA: Canada’s secret trade deal

Time is running out to stop CETA — the Comprehensive Trade and Economic Agreement being negotiated between Canada and the European Union. Negotiations are being held in Ottawa this week and this could be the final time both parties sit down at the table.

Municipalities across Canada are raising concerns about CETA and the implications for public water, local procurement and democracy.

Here’s three things you can do to help stop this dangerous trade deal being negotiated behind closed doors:

1. Share this video
Share this video with your friends. Make sure they know about the dangers of CETA.

2. Join the online campaign
Visit http://cupe.ca/action/stop-ceta to email Prime Minister Stephen Harper and ask him to immediately halt negotiations on this deal.

3. Join a phone mob
Join the phone mob on Wednesday, October 19. Call your local city councillors to let them know that CETA is bad for communities. Ask them to join municipalities across Canada who are passing resolutions and raising concerns about CETA.

Thanks for your help in stopping this dangerous deal.