Inheriting Resistance: Interview with Jean Swanson

No One Is Illegal-Vancouver Coast Salish Territories presents an interview with Jean Swanson as part of “Inheriting Resistance: A Community History Project”.

Jean Swanson works at the Carnegie Community Action Project for more and better housing, higher incomes and to stop gentrification in the Downtown Eastside. Previously she helped found and worked at a provincial anti-poverty coalition, End Legislated Poverty, and in the 1970s, at the Downtown Eastside Residents’ Association. Jean has also worked to stop the free trade deals, and to help organise Vancouver’s big peace marches in the 1980s. She wrote a book called Poor Bashing, the politics of exclusion. For many of these years Jean was a single parent living in poverty with her two children. In 1985 she met her partner, Sandy Cameron, who worked with her in these struggles for social justice.

For more information on the Project visit No One Is Illegal.