Off the Hill: Will 2023 be a year of competing crises? On climate and the economy

From rabble’s January 2023 ‘Off the Hill: Will 2023 be a year of competing crises? On climate and the economy’ panel. Join guests MP Leah Gazan, Jim Stanford, Clayton Thomas-Müller and Karl Nerenberg. With co-hosts Robin Browne and Nick Seebruch.

This month, Off the Hill explored the politics of cooling the economy – and the planet – as Parliament returns. Canadian parliament returns on January 30. The spotlight is on the economy and the impact on Canadians. Our panel discussed the critical issues related to the economic outlook and the climate emergency. 

Off the Hill is a fast-paced live panel on current issues of national significance. It features guests and a discussion you won’t find anywhere else, centred on the impact politics and policy have on people, and on ways to mobilize to bring about progressive change in national politics — on and off the hill.

Meet our guests

Robin Browne is Off the Hill’s co-host. Robin is a communications professional and the co-lead of the 613-819 Black Hub, living in Ottawa. His blog is The “True” North.

Nick Seebruch acted as Off the Hill’s co-host this month. Seebruch has been the editor of since April 2022.

Leah Gazan is the member of Parliament for Winnipeg Centre. She is currently the NDP critic for Children, Families, and Social Development, as well as the critic for Women and Gender Equality, and the deputy critic for Housing. Leah is a member of Wood Mountain Lakota Nation, located in Saskatchewan, Treaty 4 territory.

Jim Stanford is an economist and the director of the Centre for Future Work, a labour economics research institute with operations in Canada and Australia. He previously served as economist and director of policy with Unifor.

Clayton Thomas-Müller is a member of the Treaty #6-based Mathias Colomb Cree Nation, also known as Pukatawagan, located in Northern Manitoba. He is an Indigenous activist, campaigner and public speaker. Thomas-Müller has been recognized by Yes Magazine as a Climate Hero and is featured as one of ten international human rights defenders in the National Canadian Museum for Human Rights. He is also the author of Life in the City of Dirty Water.

Karl Nerenberg is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster and filmmaker, working in both English and French languages. He is rabble’s parliamentary correspondent and a regular panelist on Off the Hill.

Breanne Doyle

Breanne Doyle (she/her) has been rabble's managing editor since January 2022. In this role, she helps lead the editorial vision of the website, podcasts and newsletters, supports author relationships and...