People living on low income struggle to figure out how to pay for single TTC fares as well as monthly passes. This is because the earnings from low-wage (including minimum wage) jobs and money from income support programs (Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program) and seniors’ pensions continues to be below the amount people need to meet their basic needs. Fares have increased steadily (tokens cost 31 per cent over the inflation rate; Metropass 26 per cent and cash fare 14 per cent). Benefits and wages have not.
TTC Riders are proposing a low-cost Metropass for low-income Torontonians. Here is what they believe should happen: Toronto should join Vancouver, Hamilton, Ottawa and Seattle in providing such access for low income residents. John Tory speaks often about his Poverty Reduction program. Mayor Tory, it’s time to walk the walk. Last week the proposal was deferred at Toronto City Council’s Executive Committee.