Oil sands or tar sands? Factory farming or local farming? Corporate rights or community rights? Copyright or creative commons? You know where Harper stands. You know where corporate media stands. You know where rabble.ca stands. You know we need a strong alternative, especially now. We need to change the Canadian conversation and we need your support to make it happen. Please support us right now at rabble.ca/donate.
Your donation is crucial right now. As you know labour and civil society groups are all feeling the crunch, and rabble.ca is no exception. Our revenue has stagnated with the economy but the need for our work has never been stronger.
With community support rabble.ca has been changing the conversation, telling the stories that matter to Canadians.
Supporting rabble is supporting independent media.
Once upon a time, daily newspapers had labour reporters, who covered strikes, negotiations, and who investigated the conditions that workers endured.rabble.cais proud that we carry on the tradition of labour news reporting with our special labour section. In 2012 we went further and, in partnership with the CAW, hired our first labour beat reporter, Lori Theresa Waller. Lori’s work will involve covering meetings, conferences, media briefings and interviews with leaders in the labour movement.
Your donation keeps our labour reporting going, please donate today
Quebec’s Maple Spring inspired the country and people around the world, igniting the popular imagination. In fact, rabble.ca editor Derrick O’Keefe initially put out the call suggesting holding “Casseroles Night in Canada” (see here for more on this story). At rabble we created a special section to gather our extensive coverage of the Quebec student strike and the wider popular movement, along with other news about education and other student issues. Ethan Cox is our special correspondent for Quebec, providing coverage with exclusive interviews and analysis from the ground.
Your support makes reporting from Quebec possible
When the government made a stealth decision to lower the minimum wage for temporary foreign workers the mainstream media almost completely ignored objections from organized labour. At rabble.ca our intrepid award winning Parliamentary reporter Karl Nerenberg covered the story, connecting the lower wages for foreign workers and new tough rules for Employment Insurance—all part of an effort to drive down workers’ incomes. Karl’s consistently gives readers the stories and analysis that is important to understand politics in Canada. You can read more from Karl Nerenberg here.
Please support reporting on the Hill for the rest of us
Of course we are changing the conversation by holding conversations. On our discussion board babble, which has been a feature of rabble since the beginning in 2001, participants take on the issues of the day in facilitated discussions. From election coverage (including chats with politicians) to breaking news analysis, to the popular babble book club (where authors stop by to chat) babble is where its at when it comes to political talk.
Donations keep the babble flowing
Your donation of $25, $50, $100, $250, $1,000 is very important to the survival of rabble.ca. We have hundreds of thousands of visitors looking at millions of pages and we thank you for being one of them. We also thank you for any support you have already given us. Right now only a few hundred people contribute but we need thousands. Right now Canada needs voices that are changing the conversation, and rabble.ca needs your support to amplify those voices.
Will you help us build and strengthen our work by donating to rabble.ca? You can donate right here. Thank you.