Have you ever had to wait for hours on end in the emergency room? Or dealt with years of waiting for an important surgery or specialist appointment?
Now is the time to address issues in Canada’s health care system. In 2014, the Health Care Accord will need to be renewed. It’s the agreement that dictates federal and provincial health care service requirements and sets funding. March 31st is the National Day of Action for a New Health Care Accord.
Recent events have made health care a touchy subject for many Canadians. A consistent lack of mental health services, inappropriate and alienating treatment of trans folk in emergency rooms and the recent elimination of health care for refugee claimants are just a few of these issues.
Take action by tweeting, signing the pledge, attending a demo or joining this online letter-writing campaign to demand action from your MP. It’s the perfect way to put this week’s 3-Minute Action towards calls for change to our current health care system!