The website is dedicated to inspiring and guiding community organization around the issue of climate change. What’s the number 350 all about? Bringing our carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere down from the current 392 parts per million to a more reasonable 350 ppm is an important step in fighting climate change. As the organizers describe their movement, “350 is more than a number – it’s a symbol of where we need to head as a planet.”
The site contains a ton of really great resources for the climate change activist – from organizational tools to instructional guides and tips to bring creative solutions to your campaign. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll find at
Materials you can bring to your next meeting:
- Infographics
- Sign-up sheets
- Stickers, clothing merchandise
Resources to enhance your activist efforts:
- Hosting a meeting
- Making posters, videos
- Holding an action
- Taking an impactful action photo
Key campaigns from
- Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
- Divest from Fossil Fuels
- Global Power Shift
- Trans-Pacific Partnership