has been around since 1989, supporting consumers as they navigate the crowded market of companies that provide consumer goods, and helping them to find companies that have progressive values.  Visit their site to find out about their history, the great work they do, and to find a helpful list of ongoing boycotts and campaigns and company ratings.

A newer arrival to the ethical consumption market is ROC United or Restaurant Opportunities Centers United.  It  was originally founded as ROC-NY after September 11, 2001 to support restaurant workers displacd by the World Trade Centre tragedy, and was re-launched in Chicago in August 2007, as a nationwide organization, ROC United. 

ROC United has a brilliant new app called Diner’s Guide to Ethical Eating.  It allows users to find restaurants that meet the ROC standards on wages, benefits and promotion practices, and also provides employment informaiton on the most popular restaurants in America.  ROC United is not calling for a boycott, instead it is calling for consumers to call out restaurants if they are not behaving ethically.


It is mostly US based for now, but could be something we can use during our visits to the US, and maybe it is something we could copy for restaurants in Canada.