The women’s boat to gaza was 35 nautical miles (65 kilometers) from their destination when it was diverted to an Israeli port by the Navy. Today there has also been Israeli bombing in Gaza. 

This SOS message went out from the boat before it was boarded. “Work for the freedom and human rights, the lifting of the blockade against the people of Gaza. And for the freedom for the Palestinian people and peace in the Middle East, ” says Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire. “We can all do this together. It’s not a dream.”

The SOS, testimonials from each occupant of the boat recorded ahead of time, tells us to contact politicians, organize, protest. 

Their journey was historic, let’s make sure the world hears that and knows that this blockade is inhumane. The women need you know.

Canadians can write to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion and urge them to work to end the illegal blockade of Gaza.

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
(No postage required!)
Phone: +1 613 995 0253
Phone: +1 514 277 6020
Twitter: @JustinTrudeau

Stephane Dion, Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Contact Information

For more contacts in Canada:



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