‘Tis the season for provincial elections, and no it’s NOT all about Ontario. There are several elections ongoing and upcoming worth checking out. Today PEI and the Northwest Territories are going to the polls. Islanders look to be voting for a Liberal majority — babble’s PEI Politics Pot Pourri thread has election information.
Find out how today’s NWT election is going, and get a little background at babble’s Northern Politics Pot Pourri.
Tomorrow we can look forward to Manitoba choosing their next government. Babble has been following the campaigns, and the polling results show a very close race between the Liberals and the NDP. Get the latest news and participate in the discussion in babble’s thread on the Manitoba election and the NDP.
On Thursday October sixth Ontarians go to the polls for what promises to be a very close race. In our 4th incarnation of the ONDP election thread, you’ll find lots of polling results, predictions and news on the three main parties and their leaders.
Next month, Saskatchewan heads to the polls, and you can keep track of the campaigns and participate with your own views and predictions here.
For those who just can’t get enough of the federal NDP, we have several very busy threads:
How can the NDP hang onto its gains in Quebec if it picks a leader from outside Quebec?
New Democrats Call to End Military Mission in Libya 2