Do you like fruit? How about fruit picked by a child or an elderly person that’s been working in the summer sun for 12+ hours? No? Then you should probably never buy from Driscoll’s again. We support the Boycott Driscoll’s movement in solidarity with the workers who’ve been abused and treated like slaves and are now fighting back to win a union contract and fair conditions! They’ve been racially persecuted, sexually assaulted, and all so that we could gorge upon cheaply priced fruits. No more! Head over to the campaign Facebook page to show your support now!
On October 5, 2018, Steve Zeltzer discussed the Boycott Driscoll’s movement on KPFA Radio‘s Full Circle, a cultural affairs radio magazine by members of First Voice Media. Mari Nakagawa interviewed Steve Zeltzer about a range of topics, including the history of the boycott against Driscoll’s, the September 29th day of action, and the living, working, and health conditions of the farmworkers in San Quintín, Baja California. They also spoke about NAFTA and “NAFTA 2.0”, the struggle of independent unions in Mexico, and the privatization of land and services by multinational corporations.