This popular education manual for workshops on precarious employment contains a dozen basic activities plus a handful more in the appendices. You can use some of the activities as workshops unto themselves (e.g. jobology, precarious work wheel) or use them in combination to support workshops of between three and six hours.
Produced for the Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project, which examines the opportunities and challenges faced by immigrants in the new, knowledge-based economy.
300 workers from Latin American and the Caribbean who arrived in the GTA between 1990 and 2004 were interviewed.
The research asked:
· How are newcomers affected by broader trends towards precarious employment?
· What strategies do they implement on the job and as families in order to meet these challenges?
· What patterns of contact (or lack of contact) with social institutions and community organizations mediate immigrants’ early settlement process?
Public Outreach and Education
The Public Outreach Project is designed to draw on the research project findings to generate and distribute knowledge of immigrant employment trajectories and early settlement strategies beyond academia. The two main products are:
· A policy report based on their findings
· A popular education manual on immigrants and precarious work for frontline workers at immigrant service agencies (Produced with the consulting support of The Catalyst Centre).
There are two files here:
The complete manual at 168 pages (3MB)
and the 30-page Participant Kit (700K) – and which you will find in the complete manual as Appendix A.