How many times do folks say “oh, I’d love to be vegan but I can’t give up _____!” Whether it’s chocolate, mayo or a particular salad dressing, people have their vices they use as an excuse to not take any action. But what if folks gave up meat just one day a week? It’s not a huge commitment, but it’s enough to make a difference – that’s the philosophy of Meatless Monday.


The first Meatless Monday was in the United States during the First World War, when citizens were encouraged to give up meat once a week to support the war effort. The same practice was adopted in the Second World War. Meatless Monday has since been picked up as a way to support sustainable eating.

Meatless Mondays are a chance to educate folks about sustainable food, the benefits of vegetarianism and veganism and the environmental impact of eating meat. It’s also about getting creative!

This website has some great guides to hosting Meatless Mondays on communities, campuses and more!