Looking down river from the Alexandra Falls on the Hay River

NWT’s K’atl’odeeche First Nation Reserve:
Nats’ejee Keh Treatment Centre contract not renewed

The notice…

GNWT “…negotiating contracts with a number of southern treatment programs in Alberta and British Columbia…”

“… Yellowknife (July 11, 2013) – The Department of Health and Social Services has made the decision to not renew the contract with the Nats’ejee Keh Treatment Centre for the delivery of addictions treatment programs when the current contract expires on September 30, 2013 … Residential addictions treatment options will continue to be provided to NWT residents. The department is in the process of negotiating contracts with a number of southern treatment programs in Alberta and British Columbia. These contracts should be in place by the end of July 2013….”
For more information:
Damien Healy – Manager, Planning and Communications, Department of Health and Social Services, GNWT Tel: (867) 920-8927 Email: [email protected]

The facility…

Nats’ejee Keh Treatment Centre
“… NJKTC is a 30-bed facility for both men and women, located on the K’atl’odeeche First Nation Reserve, Northwest Territories. This treatment centre originated in 1993 after a need was recognized for a place for people to come to regain their identity and seek help to support a healthy lifestyle….”
Nats’ejée K’éh Treatment Centre
P.O. Box 3053
Hay River Dene Reserve, NT X0E 1G4
PH: (867) 874-6699
FX: (867) 874-6611
Email: [email protected]


The place

“…Hay River Reserve is governed by the K’atlodeeche/Katl’odeeche First Nation or Hay River Dene. It is the only area with reservation status in the Northwest Territories. The reserve has a population of about 329 people. The main languages spoken on the reserve are South Slavey, Chipewyan and English….”

Hay River Reserve (also known as K’atlodeeche/Katl’odeeche
First Nation or Hay River Dene 1 Wikipedi
Hay River (town) Hay River NWT Wikipedia

The people

K’Atl’Odeeche First Nation
Address: Post Office Box 3060, Hay River,
Northwest Territories
X0E 1G4 Canada
Telephone: 1 (867) 874-6701
Fax:1 (867) 874-3229

“… The Yamozha K’ue Society, often referred to as the Dene Cultural Institute, welcomes you to our website. Inside you will find information about who and where we are as well as some of the programs and services we provide. …” “…Mission Statement – The Institute will serve as a resource centre by collecting and preserving elements from the past and promote the practice of culture especially among the young to ensure that the culture thrives and serves future generations while protecting our heritage from harmful influences from the modern society.
“Elders: as keepers of the Dene Knowledge, Wisdom and Experience, they are perhaps the greatest strength of the Dene Culture.”…”

Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories
Box 1320;
Yellowknife, NT; X1A 2L9
Phone: 867-669-2200, toll-free: 1-800-661-0784

Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)

See also
Contract axed for N.W.T.’s only addictions treatment centre
Nats’ejee K’eh Treatment Centre is based in Hay River
CBC News Posted: Jul 11, 2013 9:00 PM

George Lessard

George Lessard

George has worked in Northern media and the education sector while living in Salluit, Nunavik (Arctic Quebec), Arviat, (Nunavut); Inuvik, Forth Smith and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories) since 1982...