Terry Rudden Sunday, May 25 at 10:39am · YouTube ·
“…Northern friends – anyone notice a very peculiar word about halfway through this sketch?…”
Distinctively…. “qallunaaq”
and not a bad pronunciation to my ear…
for Hollywood
especially at that date…
Distinctively…. at 4:19
and not a bad pronunciation to my ear…
for Hollywood
especially at that date…
Then W.C. Fields repeats it and says
“… I haven’t been called that for two days…”
Define #Kabloona #audio at Dictionary.com http://ow.ly/xeYVd #Inuktitut noun Canadian (chiefly Arctic) a white man; a European
“…To her colleagues at the college where Kublu works, she is, we hope, an equal, with a professional competence extending beyond her particular role as instructor of interpretation and translation. To her students, she is a role model, one who has attained a balance between two worlds. To herself . . . well, she knows she can never be the kind of Inuk her elders were, but, with all due respect, she doesn’t want to be. And she never could be a “qallunaaq” (white person). …”