Author Archives: Tor Sandberg
Tor Sandberg is the program director for rabbletv.
When Tor was 8 years old, the two schoolyard bullies, Allen and Roger, made up a mean little ditty about him. “Let’s tear Tor in the Northwest Territories,” they used to chant. Despite being impressed at how clever it was, Tor found the taunt very distressing. Luckily, Tor’s mom quickly helped him create comebacks for Allen and Roger in order to give them a taste of their own medicine. With a little help from his friends, the schoolyard soon filled with the sound of children asking: “Where’s your apple juice, Allen?” and “Hey, is everything roger, Roger?” Allen and Roger quickly retreated.
Just like in the case of the schoolyard bullies of years past, Tor is now working to help rabbletv and its rabble-rousing network battle the even bigger bullies found in the two corporate media conglomerates in Canada. He does so as rabbletv Program Director, while working on his Masters in Environmental Studies at York University and sitting as Co-Chair of the environmental activist group Exposing Canada’s Toxic Shame.