Whoops! We don’t like to remove content, but the content of Ethan Cox’s blog contains defamatory and un-factual information. rabble.ca maintain’s a strict anti-defamatory policy and for legal reasons and out of respect for Mr. O’Keefe we will not address these accusations in a public manner.
However, while we have removed the blog from the site itself, we leave it on our discussion board as it provides context for the active discussion taking place.
rabble’s official statement on the matter is the following:
We thank Ethan Cox for his contributions as a freelance writer and a blogger for rabble in the past, but we wish to clarify that Ethan does not currently have a contract with rabble, nor is he employed by rabble, and thus we are confused by his “resignation” (particularly as he recently announced that he is on a hiatus from journalism). With respect to Mr. O’Keefe, rabble.ca will not comment publicly on the reasons for his departure, suffice it to say that Mr. Cox is misinformed. rabble.ca confirms its commitment and adherence to the values that we have always espoused, including labour rights, due process and a healthy and respectful workplace.