He hasn’t apparently been hiking the Appalachian Trail, or taking a wide stance, or having sexual relationships with that woman but Harper’s aides insist he did eat the wafer. I think Harper has been eating the wafer for a long time, swallowing what he doesn’t believe in for appearances. Well at least appearances that serve to keep him in power. To stay in power he has swallowed deficits, arts funding, child care funding and more. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy to eat, but the man keeps choking down those wafers.
And if he can get the big jobs done (like gutting the role of the government, creating space for privatization, pushing the devastating tar sands, beating the drums of war, promoting the prison industrial complex, and so on) he will keep doing it too. He does it because in a serious way he is a man of right wing principles who is intent on concentrating and increasing his power, going so far as to falsely present himself to the Canadian electorate like a president and saying that our constitutional processes (of a coalition government) were a coup d’etat.
And so far not enough people are connecting the dots. For one, if Harper didn’t start empyting the treasury we would have some more funds now including for cities who could have been doing infrastructure work last year not scrambling now.
Maybe Harper, in his greed for power, will over-stretch, eat one too many wafers, and alienate his base or dilute his support. So far though he has eaten a little crow, smiled and gone on his way, wrecking havoc across the land.