We saw that hundreds of people in Ghazni hit the streets in protest on Thursday (Jan 20) after an overnight raid killed several people, alleged by the protesters to be innocent civilians. The protests continued on Friday, when Pajhwok Afghan News reported that “hundreds” of protesters forces the closure of streets and businesses. Shopkeeper Hamidullah told the reporter:

“The victims had links neither with Taliban fighters nor with other anti-government group. Abdullah, a security guard of a mobile tower, was killed along with two sons in the air raid.” Driver Fazal Karim was the fourth civilian victim, he said. (link) [N.B.: The shopkeeper is translated as referring to an air raid, when it was a ground forces raid.]

The protesters returned the next day, according to PressTV which reported the mobilization of “500 angry demonstrators”. More interestingly, however, PressTV also reports that Afghan workers at Bagram Air Base are on strike against their US employers:

Afghan workers protest at Bagram base

JANUARY 24 – Afghan workers at Bagram Air Base have staged a protest against maltreatment by the US military and laser health hazards at the camp, says a report.

Employees at the US military airport and housing complex in Bagram, 11 kilometers southeast of Charikar in the Parwan province of Afghanistan, gathered in front of the camp to show opposition “to US inappropriate treatment of the workers,” a Press TV correspondent reported on Saturday.

Demonstrators said they have to pass through a “scanning device equipped with laser beans” which puts the employees’ health in danger.

“We have to stand in queue for many hours to pass the security check post one by one,” explained one of the protestors…

Thousands of Afghans work in the camp every day. They warned of quitting in the event the problem is not resolved… (link)

Dave Markland

Dave Markland

Dave Markland lives in Vancouver where he organizes with Stopwar.ca and regularly blogs for rabble.ca.