
Hello again, and welcome to another edition of the rabble.ca weekly blog roundup!

This week we welcome new blogger âpihtawikosisân to the rabble.ca blogs and add a quick reminder that the Babble Book Club discussion with Lynn Coady is coming up fast (March 4!) and there is still time to grab a copy of The Antagonist after the roundup and come and join the discussion!

So join us as our lovely bloggers go through the motions of the Drummond report, the American recession, worker injustices and, sigh, Stephen Harper and his political tactics and then finish it off with a little Lynn Coady!

Happy reading!

A call to action and a call for change is incited after 11 migrant workers were killed last week and the answers to other deaths remain lingering, as do the rights and safety of other workers in Worker support groups demand justice for migrant farm worker deaths by John Bonnar.

Is Clint Eastwood prescient, betting America will score that winning touchdown, or will they just fumble and blow the game? James Laxer seems to think the latter in The myth of American resilience and he ain’t afraid to say so!

The Drummond report: Canada’s slow decline into absolute conservatism and ridiculousness as told by Michael Laxer in The world that made Don Drummond.

Are dichotomous (and racist!) depictions of First Nations cultures getting you down? Us too — check out Check the tag on that ‘Indian’ story by âpihtawikosisân to see the harmful impacts of influence and the useful tips for authenticity!

Bernadette Wagner shares her thoughts on Stephen Harper’s slippery sloping of politic tactics and credibility in Canada creeps towards becoming a closed society.

University of Alberta is handing out honorary degrees to whomever they please in University of Alberta vs. Nestle: Controvery and honorary degrees by Scott Harris.

Image provided by Jesse McClaren.