“SR right to food and on adequate housing – 16th Meeting, 28th Regular Session Human Rights Council

“… Special Rapporteur Leilani Farha on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living & on adequate housing about responsibility of local government for right to adequate housing…”

“…Ms. Farha is known as a dynamic and effective advocate for economic, social and cultural rights and for promoting legal protection and access to justice for these rights. She has researched and published widely on issues related to housing rights, including on forced evictions, securing land rights for indigenous peoples, and housing indigenous peoples in cities. As a central dimension in all her activities, she has worked extensively on women’s economic, social and cultural rights, playing a pivotal role in raising awareness about the gender dimensions of these rights. Ms. Farha was also a founding member of the ESCR-Net – an international network of organizations committed to economic, social and cultural rights….”

Video not available on YouTube etc…
Play video from/start at: 20:30 Introduction of report. Ends/fin 31:21 Questions start at: 31:21

Leilani Farha Image
@CWP_CSP 1:45pm via Hootsuite
RT @CWP_CSP: RT @urbaMonde UN rapportr on adequate housing @leilanifarha abt responsibility of local govments for right 2 #housing
Canada Without Poverty
Charitable Number: #130916638RR0001

[Disclosure: Your author is a member of the board of Canada Without Poverty for the NWT]

George Lessard

George Lessard

George has worked in Northern media and the education sector while living in Salluit, Nunavik (Arctic Quebec), Arviat, (Nunavut); Inuvik, Forth Smith and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories) since 1982...