March 26, 2020
COVID-19 and food security — Cuba understands it better than we do
Lois Ross, rabble’s agriculture columnist, reflects on a recent trip to Cuba and talks about what Cubans know about food security that we can learn from in Canada.
Lois Ross, rabble’s agriculture columnist, reflects on a recent trip to Cuba and talks about what Cubans know about food security that we can learn from in Canada.
RadioLabour’s Canada Report: What needs to be done to protect health-care workers?
Alyssa Wright, Hannah McIlveen and Karen Burson work in different parts of the country in different lines of work, but they’ve all been affected by COVID-19.
Ryerson University has been withholding students fees from Ryerson’s student union because of allegations of mismanagement two years ago. A court injunction late last week has now released those fees.
RadioLabour’s Canada Report: The publicly owned Canada Infrastructure Bank is being used to subsidize the profits of privateering corporations.
Maxine Betteridge-Moes is a Canadian living in Nepal who has discovered an informative and entertaining podcast by Nepali women that explore gender equality issues. She tells us why she’s a fan.
RadioLabour’s Canada Report: Foodora couriers can form a union. Uber drivers up next. And more.
Nadia Stewart of the Canadian Association of Black Journalists, and Anita Li of Canadian Journalists of Colour talk about their new action plan to increase diversity in Canada’s media organizations.
RadioLabour’s Canada Report: 200,000 strike to protect quality education for the children. And more.
Jean Leggett, CEO of One More Story Games, talks about increasing diversity and inclusion in video gaming, and the recent scholarship she’s been awarded to help her do that.
RadioLabour’s Canada Report: The Alberta government wants to steal one percent in wages from its workers. And more.
Stewart Wells talks about changes he’s observed on his Saskatchewan farm related to climate change, and why he’s involved in a new group of farmers and farm organizations to be part of a solution.