Last August, took part in a groundbreaking gathering of activists from across the country. The Peoples’ Social Forum was four days of talks, discussion groups, arts events, demonstrations… all to call attention to some of the most pressing problems facing our country. And to figure out how to solve them.

Even though it took place in the summer, we’re still putting together programs based on the material I gathered. Even though it was a few months ago, the issues are still the same. Still pressing, and still needing to be solved.

Today’s Needs No Introduction focuses on independent media. Sponsored by, it was a panel called Media and Movements. It was moderated by Judy Rebick, one of the founders of You’ll also hear Jorge Barrera from the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, James Patterson (Canadian Dimension Magazine), Cathy Edwards (CACTUS – Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations ), Steff Pinch (, Diane Lamoureux, Monique Moisan (Revue À bâbord!) and Sharmeen Khan (Upping the Anti, Media Coop).

Needs No Introduction

A series of speeches and lectures from the finest minds of our time. Fresh ideas from speakers of note.