June 3, 2010
Mavi Marmara attack: Exclusive first interview with Gaza Flotilla activist Kevin Neish
Kevin Neish was aboard the Mavi Marmara when the Israeli army attacked the ship.
Hosted by Breanne Doyle, rabble radio is the flagship podcast of rabble.ca. rabble breaks down the news of the day from a progressive lens.
rabble radio brings you closer to the stories that matter to you. If you’re curious about the latest news in Canadian politics, labour, environment, or social justice, you’ve come to the right place. This is news for the rest of us – free of corporate influence.
Kevin Neish was aboard the Mavi Marmara when the Israeli army attacked the ship.
Paul Martin spoke about Gaza to a Kingston radio station, writer and activist Yves Engler, demonstrators in Montreal, and revisiting Kevin Neish.
The Free Gaza flotilla has been attacked by the Israeli navy. Kevin Neish is a canadian peace activist who was on one of the boats. He spoke to rabble radio Friday as he was preparing to depart.
Greek labour activist proposes solutions to the financial crisis, a lawyer on a complaint that could change the lives of foster children in B.C., and rabble radio receives a gift from Bob Wiseman!
Looking back at May 1: the South Korean union struggle, a history of the Wobblies, No One Is Illegal’s Day of Action and music from Reverb Syndicate.
An ethics expert on the importance of hate speech, eco-defenders stand up to corporate greenwashing, talking access to content with Canada’s Pirate Party, and truckers with something to say.
Talking election violence in Manila, a little more Olympic activism, fish farming on vacant city land in Toronto, music from Caracol and Alejandra Ribera and who phoned in to rabble radio!
In this podcast: Why protest the Olympics, Aboriginal activists speak out, talking diversity of tactics, and all about Vancouver’s Red Tent campaign for housing.
We’re talking a hundred! A centenarian shares advice, cancelling highway plans, and remembering the birth of the aged rabble radio. You could also win an ipod nano!
An aid worker shares stories of cooperation from Haiti, audio from Canada’s anti-prorogation demonstrations, and Dr. Julia Agwu on what Africa sees in climate change.
Online activism and activism on the street. What is the difference? Regent Park is changing, and so are women’s rights worldwide. Listen in to find out more.
In this podcast: Canadian Youth Delegation asks is Canada lying? Hiphop artist Eekwol talks Indigenous rights and Olympics. John Bonnar on protests for climate justice in Canada. Also, we have music.