September 11, 2006
Turn that frown upside down
Homebrew looks into feminist theology, DVDiva dives into an old scary movie, and John Steins joins us.
Hosted by Breanne Doyle, rabble radio is the flagship podcast of rabble breaks down the news of the day from a progressive lens.
rabble radio brings you closer to the stories that matter to you. If you’re curious about the latest news in Canadian politics, labour, environment, or social justice, you’ve come to the right place. This is news for the rest of us – free of corporate influence.
Homebrew looks into feminist theology, DVDiva dives into an old scary movie, and John Steins joins us.
In this episode, Homebrew takes us to a Kentucky prison where messages from distant relatives reach inmates via the airwaves.
Keith Gottschalk sets out across the country and Wayne interviews the investigative citizen journalists from
Keith worries about war and peace, Our DVDiva is all over horror, Jen Moore casts a gendered eye on the digital divide. Plus, a soundseeing tour of an Algonquin Park trail. And, the music of Harris Newman.
A welcome double dose of Charlotte Scott in Cabbagetown and in conversation with Chris Eaton, Jennifer Moore returns to Haiti, Wayne fills us in on RSS feeds, Keith Gottschalk on dissidents and death.
In this episode, Keith deconstructs the state of the union address, we’ll hear from the World Society on the information society, Auntie answers some gender questions, and Clumsy stops by to entertain.
This week on rabble radio, Keith looks at how simple it was make the Canadian government collapse. Cathi checks out the way we love to watch the stars take each other out with their fists in the movies.
We talk democracy in Haiti, Toronto’s own Dufferin Grove Park getting a facelift, and Stephen Lewis joins us to talk about his work in Africa.
Charlotte Scott sends a special message of love from the first ever Portable Media and Podcasting Expo in Ontario, California.
M. Nourbese Philip discusses her new manuscript Zong, we run into The Joy and Hope of Haiti Race and offer travel tips for Americans. Plus, a nature walk, DVDiva.