An image with the text: Who are the rabble rousers to watch in 2024? You tell us!
Take our three minute survey today! is a publication which prides itself on being created by progressive journalists and activists, so we understand that activism requires amplifiers to help build movements and create change. With our rabble rousers to watch series, we hope to achieve just that. 

Each year, we ask our audience to share with us the organizations, activists, and changemakers they know who are doing incredible work in activism. And every year, we then have the privilege of highlighting a brand new group of people as part of our ‘rabble rousers to watch’ series. 

Our rabble rousers of 2023 included: Matthew Martin, Jessica Bonilla-Damptey, Neelam Chadha, Neighbours United, Anjali Appadurai, Seniors for Climate Action Now!, the Wondrous Tree Fellowship, and the Accessible Housing Network.

Our ‘rabble rousers to watch’ series is a part of rabble’s Lynn Williams Activist Toolkit. Our Activist Toolkit, named after labour and social justice organizer, Lynn Williams, works to amplify the work of activists across Canada.

Take our survey today!

There are so many amazing activists and organizations coast to coast to coast that our audience needs to learn about — and so we are turning to you, our community, for feedback. 

We want to hear from you. What are the organizations that inspire you? Who are the activists – both emerging and experienced – leading progressive change in your community? In 2024 and beyond, we want to continue to support the movements that make our communities stronger. 

Please use this form to nominate activists who have made a difference, and whose work you think rabble should be covering.

Nominations are open from now until midnight, January 8, 2024. 

Breanne Doyle

Breanne Doyle (she/her) has been rabble's managing editor since January 2022. In this role, she helps lead the editorial vision of the website, podcasts and newsletters, supports author relationships and...