Two marches converged on Toronto City hall at 6 p.m. on Monday, September 26, 2011, filling Nathan Phillips Square with around 4,000 people. Notice I don’t call them “protesters,” I call them “people.” The large convergence against the Rob Ford cuts marched in a circle in front of City Hall in a major rally hosted by Toronto Stop the Cuts.
The rally call-out spoke of optimism and success in relation to Rob Ford’s incredible shrinking list of potential budget cuts. “This has been a historic summer for resistance in Toronto. We must carry this energy forward to the budget process in November and beyond, to ensure that we stop Ford’s vicious austerity agenda once and for all!”
There have been two marathon meetings and deputations (July 28, 2011 and September 19, 2011) by the Core Service Review Executive Committee which, through the fine-tooth comb of KPMG Consulting, had originally proposed $100 million in potential service cuts. It seems as if Ford has backed off on a number of key proposed cuts — including library closures and an end of daycare subsidies — but the fight is far from over.
Statement from Toronto Stop the Cuts: “In early September, the city manager released a report recommending moving forward with most of KPMG’s suggested cuts. Ford expected that this report would sail through the Executive Committee at their Sept 19th meeting and then move to city council for approval on Sept 26-27. He was wrong. With Ford’s popularity plummeting, it seems that his allies got cold feet about so openly plotting to destroy city services.
In a surprise move, on Sept 19th, the Executive Committee deferred most of the recommended cuts. Thanks to the opposition that emerged in Toronto’s communities, major cuts will not be voted on at the Sept 26-27 meeting. The attack is still coming, but we now know that the supposedly unstoppable ‘Ford Nation’ can be challenged. Rob Ford is still dangerous, but he can be beaten.”