There is currently a fundraiser being held on the internet site Go Fund Me created on January 17, 2015, by someone calling themselves Crowd Funding.
The appeal reads, “Jim Flaherty was one of Canada’s longest serving Finance Ministers. Flaherty’s many contributions to Canadian society, culture, and economy were the cornerstones of Canada’s continued economic prosperity. His unfortunate passing last year was mourned by the whole nation, but his postive, enduring legacy continues to live on. As such, we believe that Jim Flaherty deserves to be commemorated with a bronze monument that befits such a great individual who embodied civic virtue. This statue will be placed in an area which will represent Jiim Flaherty’s legacy, financial principles, determination, and his service to our nation and its people. To that end, in addition to donations, we welcome and appreciate suggestions for the location of this statue.”
Please note that I left the spelling mistakes – yes, I know! – intact so we can see what kind of person this Crowd Funding is. I mean, they can’t even get his name right.
So far, as of January 25, 2015, three people have donated a total of $248.00 (CDN) of a needed $300,000.000.
This despite the fact that the Go Fund Me appeal has been shared 750 times in total. You can view the appeal at this link, and even vote on where you would prefer the statue to be placed.