Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis speaking in the House of Commons.
Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis speaking in the House of Commons. Credit: Leslyn Lewis / X Credit: Leslyn Lewis / X

Far-right Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis amplified a petition on social media that is calling for Canada to withdraw from the UN.

“Over 60,000 Canadians have now signed a petition calling on Canada to protect our national sovereignty by withdrawing from the UN and its subsidiary organizations,” Lewis stated in a tweet on X.

The petition, which is available for viewing on Lewis’ web page makes baseless claims about the UN without any supporting evidence. 

Sweeping, unsupported statements included in this petition on Lewis’ official government page include things like “Canada’s membership in the United Nations (UN) and its subsidiary organizations, (e.g. World Health Organization (WHO)), imposes negative consequences on the people of Canada, far outweighing any benefits,” and that “the UN/WHO comprehensive ‘Agenda 2030’ undermines national sovereignty and personal autonomy.”

The petition makes further conspiratorial claims that UN programs are damaging children through the “normalization of sexual values and activities,” and claims these programs are being imposed on Canada in secret without the knowledge of Canadians or elected officials.

None of the claims made in the petition are accompanied by any explanation or evidence. 

NDP MP Charlie Angus slammed Lewis and her leader Pierre Poilievre for the growing extremism in their party.

“Two weeks ago Poilievre ordered his MPs to vote against support for Ukraine’,” Angus wrote on X. “Now one of his front bench MPs is leading the fight to pull Canada out of the UN. The Conservatives are not playing to the conspiracy base. They are the conspiracy base.”

Lewis no stranger to conspiracy theories

In September of 2023 Lewis was quoted as saying that the WHO could impose travel restrictions on Canadians within Canada and that the pandemic was a step toward “global government.”

She has also amplified the conspiracy theory that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning to subjugate humanity through a world government and has implied that the Liberal Party is controlled by the WEF.

Lewis is not the only member of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) however, who has sought to bring unfounded conspiracy theories into the mainstream for the purpose of building political capital.

In February, Lewis was one of three CPC MPs who met with far-right German politician and European parliament member Christine Anderson.

Anderson is a member of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), a political party that shops in anti-Islamic, anti-semitic, anti-immigration, Holocaust denying politics.

READ MORE: CPC MPs knew who Christine Anderson was, and know her politics

Party leader Pierre Poilievre has also embraced many of the same conspiracy theories that Lewis promotes. Poilievre has stated that none of his MPs would meet with so-called “Davos elites,” (WEF meetings usually held in Davos, Switzerland) and even the Conservative Party website has used the same rhetoric in its fundraising campaigns.

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Nick Seebruch

Nick Seebruch has been the editor of since April 2022. He believes that fearless independent journalism is key for the survival of a healthy democracy. An OCNA award-winning journalist, for...