A gavel and a Canadian flag.
Join us for Off the Hill this November! Credit: Canva Credit: Canva

This month on our Off the Hill political panel, we ask the question: how just is Canada’s justice system? Who is it serving and protecting – and who gets left behind? Does our justice system truly respect everyone’s rights and freedoms? 

From the ongoing federal Black Class Action lawsuit alleging systemic anti-Black racism in the federal public service, to a history of policing and silencing Palestinian voices, and more, clearly we can tell something isn’t working. 

Join us on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 as we dive into this discussion with poet and activist El Jones, policy analyst Chuka Ejeckam and rabble’s own parliamentary reporter Karl Nerenberg. Panel starts at 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET. Co-hosted by Robin Browne and Libby Davies. 

Register today to join us for this free political panel! Sign up today here.

Meet our guests this month

El Jones is a poet, author, journalist, professor and activist living in Halifax. She is the author of Abolitionist Intimacies (2022) and Live from the Afrikan Resistance! (2014).

Chuka Ejeckam is a writer and policy researcher. His work focuses on inequity and inequality, drug policy, structural racism, and labour. He is also a columnist for rabble.

Karl Nerenberg is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster and filmmaker, working in both English and French languages. He is rabble’s senior parliamentary reporter.

About Off the Hill

Since 2019, Off the Hill has been rabble.ca’s live monthly panel. Through this series, we break down important national and international news stories through a progressive lens. 

This webinar series invites a rotating roster of guest activists, politicians, researchers and more to discuss how to mobilize and bring about progressive change in national politics — on and off Parliament Hill. Co-hosted by Robin Browne and Libby Davies.

Join us the third Wednesday of every month at 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET. The live, digital show is one hour long – 45 minutes of moderated discussion followed by 15 minutes of audience participation.

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Breanne Doyle

Breanne Doyle (she/her) has been rabble's managing editor since January 2022. In this role, she helps lead the editorial vision of the website, podcasts and newsletters, supports author relationships and...