Today – October 27, 2014, to be exact – is Election Day throughout Canadian’s municipalities. We all have 10:-00 am to 8:00 pm to vote. This list of wards and polling stations should help you find out where to vote.
I know that today is the day that many of us will have to decide how we feel about the concept of ‘strategic voting’ — and how we will have to live with ourselves if we do vote strategically. This could mean voting John Tory against the Brothers’ Ford; or voting with our lefty-morals intact and vote Olivia Chow despite the risk that since she herself is in third place in the pools that a vote thrown down the Olivia-hole is a vote for Doug Ford.
This situation seems to suck in every way. This is not the election I signed up for; too many scandals, crack addictions, super-duper-subway plans and in-turn invisible busses.
I just want to vote and come home still feeling like a woman with a good constitution.
Or in the immortal words of Wild Bill Hickock from Deadwood, “Some God-damned time, man is due to stop arguing with himself; feeling he’s twice the god-damn fool that he knows he is, because he can’t be something he tries to be every god-damned day without once getting to dinner-time and not fucking it up.”
It’s been almost a year of elections, with everyone tendering in their two cents – thanks to Rob Ford Crack-scandalous fame – on how we Torontonians should vote.
Ya, that’s pretty much how I feel about myself every day, let alone for this municipal election and the last thing I need to hear is about how I’m fucking up the future of Toronto if I….
1:Leave the mess of this election competition behind and vote for an also-ran candidate like Mayoral candidate Ari Goldkind who is currently running in 4th place. Or Mayoral Candidate Matt Mernagh who has a brain tunour and running on a pro-marijuana platform to make a few.
2: Stick to my lefty principles with my loyalty to Olivia Chow and hope in the last seconds of voting that hopefully every other likeminded leftists would stand in front of the ballot box, and with conviction of the pen, vote Olivia.
3: Come to the election polls hell bent on ignoring all the mainstream media chatter about the necessity to strategically vote, enter the ballot box to find myself in a mini-cerebral crisis as the pen I hold over the voter’s card wants to vote for Olivia but ends up getting scared and voting John Tory at the last second — another term with the Brothers’ Ford just seems too much to bear.
4: Show up at the ballot box and proudly eat my ballot (I’ve got a bottle of water in my back just in case!). I’ve done it before, just have to moisten the ballot in some water first!
**Don’t forget the party tonight, starts at 9: 00 pm after polls close.