babble_screen launched on April 18, 2001 and from the very first day we wanted to promote dialogue among and with our visitors. We created our still-running-strong moderated discussion board, babble. Since day one, rabble visitors have joined in to talk and debate about the issues of the day. We have maintained a full archive of all discussions and every day there is more. Join in!

Like all of rabble, there is no charge to use babble. Every day there is of course cost to maintain rabble, including babble. If you have been babbling, or simply believe in independent media, please chip in to keep us going during our winter donation drive. Each week donors ($20 or more) will have a chance to win a rabble prize pack featuring our “good news pass it on” tote bag, rabble fridge magnet, best of rabble book and maybe a few other surprises.

Your support matters. Please donate today.