Dear readers,
Yesterday, Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States. There are many questions about how his second term will play out. One of those questions is whether the president is serious about his threats to attack the sovereignty of other nations, including Canada.
We at are leery of uncritical patriotism. We know Canada has a colonial history and many social inequities with which we must still contend. We have also observed the shocked and displeased reaction to Trump’s threats from people living across Canada who do not support the idea of American encroachment.
Our team believes it is our civic duty to keep the public informed during a time of hostile rhetoric from our closest neighbour.
To help us achieve this goal, we are asking for your support. With your contributions, we can continue to produce high-quality journalism and keep our readers up-to-date on the latest developments in the Canada-US relationship – and crucially, how it will all affect Canada’s future.
Your donations go a long way in helping us cover the news as it happens all year long. Donations from our supporters also enable us to invest in new technologies, hire additional journalists and expand our coverage to include more in-depth analysis and investigative reporting.
At, we believe everyone deserves access to accurate and unbiased information. In an era of high-stakes politics and rampant disinformation, the work our excellent journalists do is only becoming more relevant.
After all, how can we speak truth to power if we do not have access to the truth?
Thank you for considering a donation to Together, we can make a difference in the world of journalism and help ensure that democracy remains strong.